/* Copyright (c) 2009 Anant Garg (anantgarg.com | inscripts.com) This script may be used for non-commercial purposes only. For any commercial purposes, please contact the author at anant.garg@inscripts.com THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ var windowFocus = true; var username; var chatHeartbeatCount = 0; var minChatHeartbeat = 1000; var maxChatHeartbeat = 33000; var chatHeartbeatTime = minChatHeartbeat; var originalTitle; var blinkOrder = 0; var chatboxFocus = new Array(); var newMessages = new Array(); var newMessagesWin = new Array(); var chatBoxes = new Array(); $(document).ready(function(){ originalTitle = document.title; startChatSession(); $([window, document]).blur(function(){ windowFocus = false; }).focus(function(){ windowFocus = true; document.title = originalTitle; }); }); function restructureChatBoxes() { align = 0; for (x in chatBoxes) { chatboxtitle = chatBoxes[x]; if ($("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).css('display') != 'none') { if (align == 0) { $("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).css('right', '20px'); } else { width = (align)*(225+7)+20; $("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).css('right', width+'px'); } align++; } } } function chatWith(chatuser) { createChatBox(chatuser); $("#chatbox_"+chatuser+" .chatboxtextarea").focus(); } function createChatBox(chatboxtitle,minimizeChatBox) { if ($("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).length > 0) { if ($("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).css('display') == 'none') { $("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).css('display','block'); restructureChatBoxes(); } $("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxtextarea").focus(); return; } $("
" ).attr("id","chatbox_"+chatboxtitle) .addClass("chatbox") .html('

') .appendTo($( "body" )); $("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).css('bottom', '0px'); chatBoxeslength = 0; for (x in chatBoxes) { if ($("#chatbox_"+chatBoxes[x]).css('display') != 'none') { chatBoxeslength++; } } if (chatBoxeslength == 0) { $("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).css('right', '20px'); } else { width = (chatBoxeslength)*(225+7)+20; $("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).css('right', width+'px'); } chatBoxes.push(chatboxtitle); if (minimizeChatBox == 1) { minimizedChatBoxes = new Array(); if ($.cookie('chatbox_minimized')) { minimizedChatBoxes = $.cookie('chatbox_minimized').split(/\|/); } minimize = 0; for (j=0;j= blinkOrder) { document.title = x+' says...'; titleChanged = 1; break; } } } if (titleChanged == 0) { document.title = originalTitle; blinkOrder = 0; } else { ++blinkOrder; } } else { for (x in newMessagesWin) { newMessagesWin[x] = false; } } for (x in newMessages) { if (newMessages[x] == true) { if (chatboxFocus[x] == false) { //FIXME: add toggle all or none policy, otherwise it looks funny $('#chatbox_'+x+' .chatboxhead').toggleClass('chatboxblink'); } } } $.ajax({ url: "../profil/chat.php?action=chatheartbeat", cache: false, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { $.each(data.items, function(i,item){ if (item) { // fix strange ie bug chatboxtitle = item.f; if ($("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).length <= 0) { createChatBox(chatboxtitle); } if ($("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).css('display') == 'none') { $("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).css('display','block'); restructureChatBoxes(); } if (item.s == 1) { item.f = username; } if (item.s == 2) { $("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxcontent").append('
'); } else { newMessages[chatboxtitle] = true; newMessagesWin[chatboxtitle] = true; $("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxcontent").append('
'+item.f+':  '+item.m+'
'); } $("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxcontent").scrollTop($("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxcontent")[0].scrollHeight); itemsfound += 1; } }); chatHeartbeatCount++; if (itemsfound > 0) { chatHeartbeatTime = minChatHeartbeat; chatHeartbeatCount = 1; } else if (chatHeartbeatCount >= 10) { chatHeartbeatTime *= 2; chatHeartbeatCount = 1; if (chatHeartbeatTime > maxChatHeartbeat) { chatHeartbeatTime = maxChatHeartbeat; } } setTimeout('chatHeartbeat();',chatHeartbeatTime); }}); } function closeChatBox(chatboxtitle) { $('#chatbox_'+chatboxtitle).css('display','none'); restructureChatBoxes(); $.post("http://www.grizzmine.com/profil/chat.php?action=closechat", { chatbox: chatboxtitle} , function(data){ }); } function toggleChatBoxGrowth(chatboxtitle) { if ($('#chatbox_'+chatboxtitle+' .chatboxcontent').css('display') == 'none') { var minimizedChatBoxes = new Array(); if ($.cookie('chatbox_minimized')) { minimizedChatBoxes = $.cookie('chatbox_minimized').split(/\|/); } var newCookie = ''; for (i=0;i/g,">").replace(/\"/g,"""); $("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxcontent").append('
'+username+':  '+message+'
'); $("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxcontent").scrollTop($("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxcontent")[0].scrollHeight); }); } chatHeartbeatTime = minChatHeartbeat; chatHeartbeatCount = 1; return false; } var adjustedHeight = chatboxtextarea.clientHeight; var maxHeight = 94; if (maxHeight > adjustedHeight) { adjustedHeight = Math.max(chatboxtextarea.scrollHeight, adjustedHeight); if (maxHeight) adjustedHeight = Math.min(maxHeight, adjustedHeight); if (adjustedHeight > chatboxtextarea.clientHeight) $(chatboxtextarea).css('height',adjustedHeight+8 +'px'); } else { $(chatboxtextarea).css('overflow','auto'); } } function startChatSession(){ $.ajax({ url: "../profil/chat.php?action=startchatsession", cache: false, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { username = data.username; $.each(data.items, function(i,item){ if (item) { // fix strange ie bug chatboxtitle = item.f; if ($("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle).length <= 0) { createChatBox(chatboxtitle,1); } if (item.s == 1) { item.f = username; } if (item.s == 2) { $("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxcontent").append('
'); } else { $("#chatbox_"+chatboxtitle+" .chatboxcontent").append('
'+item.f+':  '+item.m+'
'); } } }); for (i=0;i